Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bio Q 10

Energy Spark Plug for

Healthy Heart & Anti-Ageing

Losing that ummphh as you age? Don't have the energy you used to have? Often wake up feeling tired even after a "good" sleep? Having trouble staying awake during long meetings? Does your skin look pigmented, sagged and wrinkled? Now you can reclaim your energy and youth with CoQ10! 

Stronger & Healthier Heart
Studies have found that heart disease patients suffer from low CoQ10, and that supplementing with CoQ10 can improve energy in the heart muscles and stabilise the heart membranes and electrical conduction system to reduce palpitations.

Boundless Energy
CoQ10 provides your body with all the energy it needs to rebuild and repair, remove cellular waste and toxins, and defend itself from bacterial and viral infections. A strong heart delivers abundant oxygen and vital nutrients throughout the body so that you do not feel tired and run down.

Healthier Blood Pressure
CoQ10 ensures flexible blood vessels for healthier blood pressure.

Healthier Cholesterol
CoQ10 prevents the oxidation of the LDL "bad" cholesterol so it is less likely to stick to and clog up the blood vessels.

Powered Up Mental Energy
CoQ10 alleviates mental tiredness by providing your brain cells the energy they need to keep you more alert and clear-headed.

Stronger Body Defences
CoQ10 powers up your immune cells, making them more energetic and better able to ward off disease.

Radiant, Younger-Looking Complexion
CoQ10 fights the free radicals that causes skin breakouts, skin problems, wrinkles, skin sagging and pigmentation.


Liquid-filled capsules
New liquid-filled capsules technology protects and preserves CoQ10's efficacy better than softgels. Suitable for vegetarian too!

Code: 3497
Price: RM68.00