Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Oriyen Tummy Trimm

30 sachets x 6g

Spring Clean Your Insides for a Flatter Tummy & Vibrant Health

  • Are you tired of a bulging tummy that just won't go away?
  • Are you constipated?
  • Do you have fewer stools than meals each day?
  • Do you have to strain to defecate?
  • Are you feeling tired for no apparent reason?
  • Do you suffer from indigestion, bloatedness or excessive gas?
  • Are you plagued with skin breakouts and allergies?
  • Is your skin dull and sallow?
  • Do you have body odour or bad breath?

Certified Halal by The Juridical Body Of The Chinese Muslim Association Taichung Mosque Taiwan. Recognized by JAKIM, Malaysia

 If you answered yes to any or all of the above, you may have toxic encrustation building up in your colon

Tummy Trimm™ is a powerful combination of fruit and vegetable enzymes with four strains of live cultured friendly bacteria, doubled-coated to survive stomach acid. This product was designed, in collaboration with the Cheng Kung National University in Taiwan, to loosen deep seated encrustation in the colon and eliminate it from the body.

 Double-coated Friendly Bacteria
Double-coating is a new breakthrough technology that protects friendly bacteria from harsh gastric juice and bile acid as it journeys to the intestines to do its job. Without protection, most friendly bacteria is destroyed before it reaches the intestines.

 Symptoms of accumulated encrustation
Frequent tiredness, frequent headaches, insomnia, poor sleep quality, pigmentation, blotchy or dull complexion, dark under-eye circles, body odour, bad breath, water retention, weight gain, bulging belly, indigestion, bloating, constipation, flatulence and excessive gas, lower back pain, fuzzy memory, inability to concentrate, muscular aches, food allergies and skin conditions like rashes, eczema, allergy, boils and acne.

Code: 36127
Price: RM79.00